Split & Spin

Unlock Your Creativity with a Word

Split and Spin transforms any ordinary word into a captivating tale guaranteed to ignite your imagination. It can be your entry point into a new story, a launchpad for out-of-the-box thinking, or just a fun way to expand your vocabulary and exercise your wits and wordplay.

Illustration of seeing a word


See an inspiring word, or a new one you’d like to add to your vocabulary
Illustration of splitting a word


Split the word into smaller sounds and turn those sounds into a phrase – the zanier the better.
Illustration of spining a word


Spin a tale around the split – it can be funny, dramatic, or just plain crazy!
Any word will do! No matter how complicated, technical, or just plain strange a word may be, it can be split and spun. Even non-English words are fair game!
Divide your word into smaller bits – you can break it up into sounds, syllables, or even individual letters. If you’re splitting a longer word, there might be multiple different ways to do this. Now, expand each of these split-up segments into a word of its own using mnemonic techniques like rhyming, soundalike, and free association. Your goal is to turn each small segment into a similar-sounding word! If the resulting phrase is a little wacky, don’t worry – that’s just part of the fun!

For example: the word ‘Rescind’ can be split into the syllables ‘res’ and ‘cind’. ‘Res’ can be expanded into ‘Rescue’ and ‘cind’ reminds me of ‘Cinderella’ so I split ‘Rescind’ into the phrase ‘Rescue Cinderella’. Another example: ‘Egalitarian’ becomes ‘Eagle Ate the Train’ (‘Egal’ = ‘Eagle’, ‘it’ = ‘Ate’, ‘a’ = ‘the’, and ‘rian’ = ‘Train’).
Use your word-split phrase as inspiration for a miniature story. You can think of the word-split as a title for your tale. This is where you can really unleash your creativity! The only rule: make sure that your tale features at least one proper usage of the original vocabulary word – other than that, let your imagination run wild!

Your tale can be as long or as short as you’d like (and as serious, funny, or off-the-wall-bonkers) as long as it’s memorable! Even a single sentence can tell a story: ‘When the king rescinded Cinderella’s invitation to the ball and locked her in the dungeon, the prince had no choice but to rescue her.’

Why Split & Spin?

Split and Spin jumpstarts creative ideation and plants new concepts and vocabulary words directly in your long-term memory.

The storyteller

Engage multiple lateral thinking skills at once to access a flexible mindset and a free-flowing thought process.

Split words to exercise divergent thinking and shift into a creative outlook; spin tales to synthesize diverse ideas and images.

Unearth a trove of new characters, concepts, and plotlines invaluable for any storyteller!

Ignite Ideas

The learner

Make every new word uniquely memorable and entertaining.

Split words to form lasting mental images and sensory connections; spin tales to convert definitions into stories encoded directly in your long-term memory.

Use VocaTales to eliminate rote memorization – Split and Spin turns the dictionary into your personal storybook!

Learn Vocabulary the Fun Way

Back from a fun road trip?

Share your latest road trip shenanigans in a hilarious tale that’ll have your friends in stitches. Get creative and turn memorable moments into an unforgettable story.
software for writing stories

Looking to build an audience?

Unleash the power of your pen and shape the world with your words. From molding imaginations to opening minds, your insights will leave a lasting impact.

Are you a walking Wikipedia?

Elevate your thoughts to new heights and shape the minds of the masses. With your gift for words and VocaTales, your insights will inspire a new generation of thinkers.

Want to change the world?

Revolutionize the world with your innovative inventions. Let your imagination run wild and turn your daydreams into reality. Let your ideas change the course of history.

Ready to ignite your enthusiasm?

Whether writing your own tale or reading a published story, seek the unexpected and keep your creative fire burning alongside other fun-seekers, professional writers, ideators and inventors.